Wednesday, April 1, 2009

HDI "Whats the Deal?"

HDI has been recently taken, and clearly shows that Africa is far behind. Reasons because of this is because the poverty rate that is in Africa. Also, Africa is a very tough land to live in. Its geographical features make it hard to farm in certain areas, and also to travel. The African population as a continent have a very short life expectancy, and therefore, causes them to be low on the HDI charts. Children too are dying at young ages which then make the older population thinner and thinner. Disease strikes millions and millions of people in Africa every year. One of the strong diseases that takes its toll on the population is HIV.
In well developed countries, we see HDI at high levels. Developed countries are on the top half of the HDI list. This is because these countries have the tools necessary to maintain population, grow in population, and keep the growth coming. The corrupt governments in Africa cause aided money to not do much aid at all.

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