Sunday, March 15, 2009

Picture with Words

This picture was taken near Candlemas Island in the South Sandwich Islands.
The word I think of when I see this is "unreal". This looks absolutley crazy, and almost fake. The little settlement of penguins are finding safety on a glacier during a storm that is causing large waves and currents. The color display between the water and then the glacier is extreme, yet the same. You can really see the different tints of blue, and how they can compliment each other.

Banned Lifted for Travel to Cuba?

I believe that at this specific time, the United States should not lift the ban on traveling to the Country of Cuba. I believe this because there is so much insecurity still, and with a new form of government possibly about to take reign over the past years of communism there are too many unanswered questions. Cuba needs time to redevelope from the country they are now. Until this happens, it is too dangerous to visit there. Also, with the economic crisis hitting the world wide spectrum, money for travel is not needing to be spent in foreign countries, and rather should be spent in our own country to help boost the economy foward in the right direction.

Drugs Run Communities

Drug Cartels in Latin America, specifically on the border directly below the U.S. border, have been running the economy, community, and doing it with no one in thier way. Drug trafficing into the United States from Mexico is a huge inustry that is illegal, yet on the rise. Different drug sellers, produces, and cartels are at war with one another and also the governments of Mexico and the U.S. The reason drug trafficing can be so succesful is the because the faulty areas in the border patrol that cross from Mexico into the U.S. Border Patrol is at its highest demand not only with illegal immigrants, but also with drug trafficing. The geography of the two countries allows there to be quick exchanges and crosses into opposite territories.