Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The map i chose to use was a Nuclear power plant. With Nuclear power rising as possibly of an alternative source of energy, it is a hot topic. The united states clearly is shown to have the most possible nuclear power in the world. Yet in some middle east countries, the idea of nucler power is a scary thought for Americans because we automatically believe they could be producing this energy for nuclear weapons. Nuclear power is a great source of energy, but also holds a high danger. We also see the European nations also booming in nuclear power.

we see in the australian area that nuclear power is almost not productive, and has hardly any production. We see the same trend through the central and south american countries as well. Africa is almost not even recognizable.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The two displays I chose were Gaza Strip, and Germany. The reason i chose the Gaza Strip was just because all the recent conflicts occuring with the area of land right now. Also, i chose Germany because they are a well developed country that has a good balance.

You can see in comparison that the Gaza Strip is in much more of a deficit then the country of Germany is, as Germany continues to grow and continue its strong stature as a nation. All the conflict in Gaza is really begining to take its toll on the population growth.